Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Reagan 22 months (May 27, 2016)

While Max celebrates his 3-month birthday on May 28th, Reagan is 22 months (almost two years old already!!!) on May 27, 2016. 

She is walking and talking at every opportunity that she gets!
Although Reagan is talking a lot, only a small percentage of what she says is in understandable English with most of it including specific pronouns (and a handful of French!), so we are doing our best to listen very carefully these days and see if we can decipher what she is trying to communicate to us because unfortunately it's still a lot of gibberish that comes out of her mouth... but's it's cute gibberish!
Reagan wears her "big girl" size 5 diapers and is on the brink of being ready to start potty-training.  We may wait until the 2-year birthday milestone because, first, we are working on another project for Reagan: transitioning her to sleep in a "big girl" regular bed, so Max can makes his move into her crib.  Max has already outgrown the bassinet that he has been sleeping in next to our bed in the master bedroom. 
Reagan loves playing with bouncy balls outside (and loves playing outside in general).  She enjoys her music videos (Taylor Swift is still a favorite) on our iPhones, but she is not very interested in watching kids' cartoons or anything else on cable TV besides the music videos on TV.  This is probably a blessing because she makes us think about how much (probably too much!) TV we watch on our own and how we should use our precious time with her more effectively and move around rather than just sitting on the couch and watching TV together. 
Reagan LOVES reading books.  Her current favorites are, "Brown Bear, Brown Bear," "Polar Bear, Polar Bear," and "Three Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed."  She does a wonderful job reading most of the words, and we need to give some credit to her Day Care because they spend a lot of time reading these books and practicing pronunciation and vocabulary with the kids at this early age. 
She continues to sing, "Bah Bah Black Sheep" and the "ABCs" song everywhere she goes.  I have been showing her the YouTube videos of these songs in French and singing them to her, too. 
Reagan knows most of our family and good friends' names well now and is quick to say "Hi" to all of these people!  She is also good about saying "Please," "Thank you," "Merci," "I love you," "Je t'aime" in addition to the normal requests like, "Park!", "Outside!", "Open!" "There! ("Là!" in French) and often shows us where our "shoes" ("chaussures") and "purse" are in the house. 
Her latest "trick" is that Reagan knows which pair of shoes belongs to each person in the house.  She will bring "Dadda's shoes" to David, "Mama's shoes" to me, "Booze's shoes" to my mom, etc.  Sometimes she does it just to do it, but often Reagan distributes everyone's shoes to hint that she wants to go OUTSIDE.  :)
Favorite foods: string cheese, ice cream (Graeter's mint chocolate chip!), Greek yogurt with fruit or chocolate, Gold fish crackers, orange juice, milk, apple slices, cereal, among other foods.
She is getting sassier and more independent every day, and we love it (most of the time)!!!

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