Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Mother's Day and other pictures 2016

Reagan makes her "Booze face." She's outside in her pajamas and new pink Nike sandals from Grandma Booze.

Baby Max sleeps with Grandpa Fred. 

Reagan is happy because she just ate some chocolate... no hiding it on her face!

Let's take selfies on the couch!

Reagan has been "wearing" Max's clothing lately.  She will pull out his onesies from his dresser and put her legs in them and pull them up before trotting around in them. We're not sure why...

Just another weekend with Mommy juggling these two! 

 Max is starting to smile a lot now!

Reagan still loves to pull out all of the tissues from the tissue box just for fun. 

Reagan is a dancing queen, on and off the coffee table. 

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