Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Phone call from Genetic Counselor

The genetic counselor called me after I finished teaching classes, and she said that the results from the last blood test I took last Monday at Fort Sanders Hospital looked good!  She said this means that the test can verify with 99% certainty that our baby does not have any chromosomal abnormalities.

David and I felt relief last week after the doctor said that the measurements and proportions of the baby from all of our ultrasound pictures looked good, but it was just another weight off of our shoulders when we heard about these good results from this much more informative (and expensive!!) blood test yesterday.  This second blood test yielded information that was a lot more accurate than the first blood screening test from two weeks ago. 

We were prepared for whatever the genetic counselor was going to tell us about the blood test, but we are feeling blessed and excited to be expecting a healthy baby.

She did say that my OBGYN doctor will be doing more ultrasound pictures on me than the normal pregnant woman to make sure that everything, including the placenta, is looking good inside of me.  Also, they will put a heart beat monitor on me beginning sometime after 30 weeks, to also keep a close watch on me.  She mentioned that there is a good chance I will also deliver earlier than my expected due date of August 10th.

And, the genetic counselor confirmed, once again, that it was indeed a GIRL, in case the sonographers did not already tell us.  :-)