Monday, August 18, 2014

3 weeks old!

I am holding Reagan in my arms as we speak, so it's a little difficult to type, and I will therefore type little...

Reagan is 3 weeks today!

I snapped a few photos of Reagan today in between feedings and naps, and really tried to get a"smiley picture" and below is what I ended up with...even tried to get a good photo with her daddy when he came home from work. 

The photo with David at 6 PMish was when she was hungry (hard to believe when I feel like I fed her every 30 minutes today!!!) so he was mimicking her "I want Mommy's milk" face.  

I feel very lucky to have a low maintenance dog like Hank that I only need to take out 2-3 times a day and that is behaving a lot better with a baby around in our barking and stressing me out double-time like during the first week of Reagan's life.

In the final photo, and final outfit change for the night as of 10:55 PM EST, Reagan is wearing a special onesie from a popular Irish pub in West Lafayette, Indiana, that her Aunt Caroline and Uncle Ryan gave her.  We can stretch the Irish connection to her Aunt Carly, fiancĂ©e of my brother, Bill, who will hopefully teach her some great dance moves, because her mommy loves dancing!  :)

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