Monday, August 4, 2014

Reagan is 1 week old!

So, here is the first blog post with our baby girl living outside of my belly instead of inside where she was the focus of all my selfie belly pics for these past 9 months!

Reagan Amy Haase was born at 8:54 PM on Monday, July 28, 2014.  I will post details later about Reagan's birth story, but I wanted to put up a few pictures for now of her first week living with us!

Below are a few highlighted pictures from our stay at the hospital.  Again, I'll post all of the millions of photos that we took along with the birth story in a separate post later this week... I promise!  It gets harder to do things these days with a little baby!

Today is August 4th: Reagan's 1-week old birthday and also the 2-year anniversary for me and David. We are grateful to have such a sweet anniversary gift this year!

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