Reagan turned 3 months on Tuesday, October 28th. Life is definitely busy now as a full-time teacher-coach-mother, so my blogging is not as timely! But, that's what the weekends are for: to catch up on sleep, time with family, errands, work and blogging!
David's mom, Nancy, was very nice to come with me to Reagan's 3-month doctor's appointment on Thursday, October 30th. Reagan weighed in at 13.0 pounds, which was in the 50% percentile, and measured 23 1/4 inches in length, which was in the 30-40% percentile.
The doctor said she looked very healthy overall. We asked about how we could take better care of her neck. I am both breast-feeding and formula-feeding Reagan, but we were concerned about the milk that goes down and gets stuck in between the rolls of Reagan's neck. The doctor recommended that we purchase and use Lotrimin anti-fungal cream on her neck because the doctor thought there might be a risk for a yeast infection in her neck rolls, even though we use a bib to prevent as any milk from spilling into her neck rolls and even though we lean her neck thoroughly when we bathe Reagan every other day. We have been using it once a day, and it's already working wonderfully! Her neck does not smell anymore like old milk!Also, I'll give a warning right now that this may be TMI (Too Much Information) for some people.... But, it's important to share... The doctor mentioned that Reagan had a small membrane growth that closed part of her vagina, so he showed us a "stretch" that he recommended that we do after every diaper change to help stretch this membrane to the point at which it would eventually split on its own, without having to do the surgery. It was good news to hear that this was the only concerning issue from the doctor at Reagan's 3-month check-up appointment, and he said that this extra membrane growth was "very common." It really was only a thin membrane of skin that the doctor was talking about, but enough that it concerned him that it could create a urinary tract infection in the future if it wasn't treated now. I really hated that we needed to do this "stretch" with her vagina parts every time she had a diaper change because she clearly did not like it, and I mean, who would?!?! But, FORTUNATELY, I was so happy to find out that, after I had returned Saturday evening from my over-night trip to Nashville with the school cross country teams, this vaginal membrane has virtually disappeared when I gave her my first diaper change after I came back to Knoxville! Grandma Nancy and David had done a good job with these "stretches" that it went away a lot faster than I thought it would. I was afraid we would have to work on this membrane thing for a few weeks, until they checked on it again at her 4-month check-up appointment. I hope it's alright, because nobody wants problems "down there"! Poor girl!
Yes, I missed her dearly, but I feel a little guilty saying that I also enjoyed the break away from carrying a baby around for hours, feeling like I milked like a cow and getting more than 4-5 hours of sleep at night.
I spent the night in a hotel in Nashville with the boys' and girls' cross country teams that I coach at my school, and they performed marvelously on Saturday afternoon at the State Meet, as both teams finished in 1st place, and both our top boy and girl runners won the individual state championships!
At the end of a long two days with all of my wonderfully high school athletes, I was eager to get back home to Knoxville to see Baby Peaches!
So, we took several "selfie pictures" together immediately when I returned! She is going to love these when she grows older! :)
We also wanted to send some "Happy Birthday" selfies to Uncle Charlie and Aunt Caroline for their birthdays this weekend in the first two days of November!
Those smiles! I just can't get enough! It will be a wonderful day when she has her first laugh.
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