Monday, November 3, 2014

November with Reagan

It's hard to believe that we're already in November and Reagan is over 3 months old!  As usual, I'm typing with one hand and holding Reagan in the other, so this is going to be a short and sweet post!  It's also 9:30 PM and I have 60 French and Spanish writing assignments to start grading before Wednesday!
 Grandma Nancy shares her stories and words of wisdom with Baby Peaches.
 Reagan listens carefully to Grandma Nancy!

David takes care of Reagan after a long day of working at the golf course.
 Dad tries to get rid of Reagan's gassiness by doing some exercises in the air!
 I just took a shower, am without make-up and wearing my pajamas, but I'm too tired to care, in this family photo.  THANKS to Aunt Caroline for the adorable mustache pacifier!
And, of course, our family picture would not be complete without Hank!

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