Friday, December 4, 2015

27 weeks with Baby #2

Baby #2 was 27 weeks officially on Mon. Nov. 30th.

I went to my doctor's office for a monthly check-up appointment on Tuesday.  From now on, I will have appointments every two weeks until delivery in February.  I start going to the hospital when the baby is 36 weeks in January.

The baby's fetal heart beat was a normal 150 bpm.

My stomach measured 28.5 inches vertically from just below my chest to my hips, which the doctor said was normal.

My own blood pressure was 104/60.

I also drank the glucose drink before my Tuesday appointment this week.  They drew 5-6 viles of blood from my arm.... The nurse called me this morning, and said that the blood results came back normal, so I don't have gestational diabetes.  My doctor also said that from here on, I only have one more test, but otherwise my future doctor appointments will just be check-ups and planning for the delivery day.

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