Tuesday, December 8, 2015

28 weeks with Baby #2

Baby Haase #2 is 28 weeks.

We have entered the 3rd trimester!

I am feeling well, but definitely feeling big.  I can't see my feet anymore and I need to wear long, untucked shirts to school so the students don't see my undone zipper on my pants and skirts!

I am having very strange dreams, and it's affecting how well I sleep, which is annoying, even when I go to be early.  David can hear me talking and yelling in my sleep from downstairs when he is watching TV.

Baby #2 is moving a lot.  I feel stronger kicks!

My next check-up doctor's appointment is on Wed. Dec. 16th.

Above, David and I went to his PGA awards dinner at a restaurant in downtown Knoxville.

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