Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Christmas 2015 in Wisconsin

Some photos from our 2015 Christmas celebration at Don and Susan's house in Wisconsin........

We started with a pit stop at a McDonald's restaurant for a late breakfast as we drove the 11 hours from Knoxville to Milwaukee.
Reagan has been very proud of herself for using a spoon to feed herself lately.  We are proud of her, too!
Reagan spilled some milk on the floor at McDonald's, and the employee who was mopping up the mess thought that Reagan was so cute, and so she generously gave Reagan a Happy Meal toy.
It was a small, stuffed bunny toy, which helped to entertain Reagan for a half hour before she took her mid-day nap in the car.
We pointed out the 15 miles worth of windmills to Reagan outside the car window as we drove by West Lafayette, Indiana.

Reagan went to get her first professional haircut at the salon where her Grandma Booze and Great Grandma Patsy go for their hair appointments.
The stylist, Kelly, did an excellent job of cleaning up Reagan's hair and giving her a cute bob haircut!
Reagan was relaxed on her dad's lap and did not cry once!

Reagan plays around the lobby with the magazines and cookies while she waits for Daddy to get his haircut.

Reagan poses with Mommy for the 31-week pregnancy pictures with her baby brother.

Reagan is showing her independence and still using her own utensils to feed herself without help from others.  She does a good job most of the time without spilling!

Reagan found Grandpa Don's liquor cabinet and was entertained playing with the mini KahlĂșa bottles.
Reagan frequently went to bed past her bedtime throughout Christmas week because she didn't want to miss the party each night, so her naps were extra long each day.
Reagan received a gift to the Ritt house from Grandpa Fred and Grandma Nancy.
Reagan enjoyed playing with her new "Wish Bear" Care Bear and watching the DVD music video that came with the bear.

Reagan wanted Uncle Chuck to kiss her Care Bear.

Reagan also introduced her new Care Bear to Grandma Booze.

Reagan was not excited to see Santa Clause (Grandpa Don) this year.  She doesn't like new men in particular, so it's no surprise that a tall man in a colorful suit would scare her.

Reagan was a little happier when Mommy came to sit with her and when Santa gave her a mini Packer teddy bear from his gift bag.

Reagan's mom fell asleep with the Care Bear on Christmas Eve, as seen in this sneaky pic from Reagan's dad.
One of Reagan's favorite gifts was her Snoopy Dog from Uncle Chuck.  She is fascinated with dogs, especially with our real-life yellow lab, Hank, so she shouts "dog dog" at every animal that she sees on TV, in books and in the backyard.

Reagan loves giving "bisous" or kisses to her animals, and loves having other give kisses to her animals.
Hank also received some nice play toys from his uncles.

Reagan also received many fun toys and cute clothes from Grandma Booze, Grandpa Don, Aunt Carly and Uncles Bill and Chuck.  She needed socks and she is growing like a weed, so she is thankful for these new big-kid stylish clothes!
Reagan's baby brother also received lots of cute 6-month clothes and a stylish pair of kicks from her family in Wisconsin. 

We went out for a walk on a cold Wisconsin afternoon.  It was about 34 degrees and sunny but the wind blowing off of Lake Michigan made it extra chilly!
Reagan tried on her new gloves from her godmother, Mary Margaret, and godfather, Walt.

Reagan took another long afternoon nap after playing outside in the park by Lake Michigan.
Reagan jumped into the arms of her Great Grandma Patsy Rae when we went to Aunt Marsha and Uncle Cary's house in Lake Forest, Illinois, to celebrate Christmas Day.

The next day, Reagan had fun playing with Grandpa Don in the big backyard of the Ritt house.
Every morning, Reagan has pointed to the window looking to the backyard and indicated that she wanted to go outside when we take out Hank.  She is a nature girl!!!
Reagan's nose and hands were bright red when she returned back inside, but the cold weather didn't seem to bother her!
In fact, she was a little irritated when she came back in the house and wanted Grandpa Don to go back outside with her!

The teachers at Day Care told us that Reagan "could not get enough blueberries" last week, so we bought some for her in Wisconsin, and they were right.  She was gobbling them up with Grandma Booze!

Aunt Carly captured the cutest video yet of Reagan doing her "fast feet" dance, which was good preparation to help strengthen her muscles for some future Irish dancing!
Finally, we headed home to Knoxville, Tennessee, and made a pit stop at the Dairy Queen restaurant for some burgers and Dilly Bar and Blizzard desserts.
Reagan sure enjoyed her peppermint Oreo blizzard!  She was again adamant about serving herself with a spoon.  Little Miss Independent!

1 comment:

  1. GREAT pictures. Loved each of them. Reagan is precious! Love to you all .. CUS xoxo
