Wednesday, December 16, 2015

3rd Trimester Doctor's Appointment

I had my first appointment in my third trimester with Baby #2 this afternoon.  I am 29 weeks 2 days.
My blood pressure was 104/60.  The baby's heart beat was 150 beats per minute and healthy.  After the nurse took these measurements, the doctor came in the room.

The doctor said that everything looked "perfect" with me and the baby, but then she added, "Now, when I look at your current weight..." and I thought that she was going to say I had gained too much at this point.

But, she went on to say that I was on the "low end of normal" for my current weight: 139 pounds.  She wasn't alarmed about my low weight when I asked if I needed to gain some, but she said that I have "room for an extra piece of cheesecake" during our Christmas celebrations if I wanted to indulge.  I was surprised because I told her that I had not done any strenuous exercise besides walking and chasing around Reagan and Hank Dog because I get light-headed even more easily when I'm pregnant, and frankly, I'm pretty tired and busy these days after school and taking care of Reagan at night.  It was nice to know that the doctor was happy with everything.  This seems to be a lot smoother pregnancy.

The doctor also measured vertically with a flexible tape measure from my chest to my hips again to measure my belly, and said that I was measuring at about 30-31 weeks, so the baby was "growing well."

She also made a funny remark, in my opinion, that the baby is "long," as in height because she asked, "Your husband is pretty long and tall, right?"  I'm not sure how she knew that this baby was "long" just from measuring my belly because we didn't even use the ultrasound machine today to SEE an image of the baby, but she's a smart lady, so I trust her.  Does this mean that this is a big baby?

I'm not really sure but now I'm getting a little scared because Reagan was nice and petite and slid right out of my body.  I didn't get a chance to ask the doctor how she could know that this baby was "long" just from the belly measurement.  Later, I told David about this conversation in the doctor's office, and he was certainly proud and excited with Dr. Peeden's comments!

When my doctor saw the ultrasound images of Reagan on the machine when I was pregnant with her, the doctor thought that Reagan looked a lot like David, just from looking at the ultrasound pics, and my doctor had only seen David a handful of times!

The bi-weekly appointments have begun, and I see the doctor again on Wed. Dec. 30th.  I will be 31 weeks.

Since there will be another doctor that will deliver Baby #2, I will start my appointments at the hospital at 36 weeks, in late January.

In other news, Reagan had her "Christmas Party" at Day Care today.  They had a book exchange, so she brought in a wrapped book, and she received one in return.  It reminded us of her Uncle Chuck, as the book is about "Tonka Chuck" and his truck friends.  It's nice that it wasn't a girly book!  We hope there wasn't a boy in her class disappointed with her "Snow White" book that she brought!

We have been putting David's hair product in Reagan's hair to "teach" it to go to the side so we can finally grow out her bangs.  We played around until the Princess feel asleep to the History Channel documentaries that we watched in bed together.

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