Thursday, December 31, 2015

31-week doctor's appointment

Yesterday (Wed. Dec. 30th), I went to my 31-week doctor's check-up appointment.  I picked up Reagan early from Day Care because the nurses wanted to meet her since they had only seen her on the ultrasound machine screen when I was pregnant with Reagan in 2014.  She behaved for the most part, and was just scared when the nurse and doctor needed me to lie down on the patient table to hear Baby #2's heart beat and to measure my belly.

My own blood pressure was 110/60.
My body weight was 140 pounds.
The baby boy's heart rate was 149 bpm.
From my chest down to my hips, the doctor measured my belly at 31 centimeters, and said the baby was measuring right on track.
When I first walked into the office, the doctor said that it looked like I had gone through a belly growth spurt.  I told her that I felt like I had grown because the skin around my belly is really stretched well now... I can't imagine how it's going to be able to stretch much more and I still have 9 more weeks to go!
My dad asked me a week ago if I wake up in the middle of the night when Baby #2 moves around in my stomach.  I responded no because he hadn't been, but the last four nights, I have definitely woken up because of the baby's kicks!  I think that he's running out of room!

My next doctor's appointment is on Tuesday, Jan. 12th.  I will measure 33 weeks!

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