Friday, May 30, 2014

Crib Construction and Doctor check-up

We FINALLY started cleaning out the second guest room in our 2-bedroom apartment, which will eventually become the baby nursery.

One of my very gracious teaching colleagues at school donated her crib to David and me.  After I asked her if she was sure that she did not need the crib anymore, she promised us that she was done having kids and that she was thankful for us to take it our of her house.  We are so grateful!

I gave some advice and helpful instruction to David.... actually, not really, I just sat on the bed and watched... as he set up the crib in our apartment.  While everything else is a mess, it felt good to at least see that the crib is all ready.

Below, Hank watched on from the laundry room as crib construction took place in the guest bedroom. 

ALSO, I wasn't feeling the frequency nor the "fierceness" of the baby kicks in the last two days that I had been feeling over the Memorial Day Weekend, so I decided to move up my next doctor's appointment originally scheduled for next Tuesday to yesterday (Thursday).

While I am known for being a "Nervous Nelly" in general when I'm not pregnant, I debated for a day about calling my doctor and really didn't want to be the lady who calls her doctor about every little thing.  I've done a really good job so far, and that's why I felt like it was okay to see my doctor a few days earlier than expected.

It was a year ago, last May, that I went to the hospital for my D&C (dilation & curettage) surgery, which is crazy that now we're having more positive doctor's appointments this May, but the "anniversary" still makes me a little anxious about everything now.

Of course, the appointment ended up simply giving me a peace of mind and the baby was fine, but my doctor did say that she was glad that I came in and that I did the right thing.  My blood pressure was normal, and the baby's heart beat was good, in the mid-150s again.

Because my doctor said that I'm a "higher risk" patient with my history, she wanted to go ahead and hook me up to a kick-count machine and to the ultrasound machine.

I don't know the formal name, but I was hooked up to a machine that I had never used before and that had two wires with patches connected to each which would go on my belly.  One patch would measure the baby's heart beat, and I didn't know until after I was doing using the machine, that the other patch hooked up to measure the uterus contractions.

The nurse told me to push a button when I would feel any sort of nudge, bump or kick from the baby. I was trying to really pay close attention and push it for anything I felt.  After 25 minutes of sitting on the chair and looking at the long strip of paper being printed out with scribbled charts of the heart beat, uterus contractions and dots where I had pushed the button for kicks, the doctor said that the chart looked good and that I was feeling enough kicks to make her happy about the baby.  BUT, the only thing that did surprise her, and not necessarily worry her, was that I was having Braxton-Hicks contractions, and several of them, according to the printed data.

My doctor said that Braxton-Hicks contractions are just "fake contractions."  According to, they happen when "the muscles of the uterus tighten for approximately 30 to 60 seconds and sometimes last as long as two minutes."

When she said "contractions," I was shocked and didn't think that I'd already be having contractions, AKA getting ready to push a baby out, at 30 weeks pregnant!  I know women in some special cases have had early births and some have been on bed rest for a few months before the due date, but I was not mentally ready for this.

My doctor asked if my uterus hurt when I felt these during that 25-minute period in the office, and I said no, but they just felt like strong kicks, even as they were not happening as frequently in the  last few days, in my mind at least.

We then turned the ultrasound machine on, and everything looked good there, too.  The baby was measuring more like 30-31 weeks and weighed 3 pounds, 4 ounces.

While I felt much more relieved after this appointment, especially since I'm a clueless first-time pregnant lady and didn't know how many kicks and strength of the kicks were normal or not, my doctor still wanted to see me for a brief check-up on my original scheduled appointment next Tuesday to check the heart beat.

I was there for two hours, and I know David, usually the calm one in our relationship, was feeling like the "Nervous Nelly" when I didn't return his texts after what I thought would be a quick appointment.

He texted "#relieved" after I gave him the good news.

Speaking of good news... I'm making this post longer than it needs to be, but David begins his full-time job at the Tennessee National Golf Club on Sunday!  We are both very excited!  We are thankful that we have some good things going on this summer!  :)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Culver photos from Carly

It was great to catch up with good friends from Culver and spend the Memorial Day Weekend with both of our families from Wisconsin and Indiana.

My brother's girlfriend, Carly, took some great photos with her camera of both the Culver baby shower hosted by our friend, Jeanne, on Saturday and of my parents and me in the Haases' back yard on Sunday.   Thanks, Carly!

Carly and me

Me, my mom (Susan), the wonderful baby shower hostess (Jeanne) and my mom-in-law (Nancy)

Me and my mom 

The beautiful grandmothers and me 


My parents and me

Monday, May 26, 2014

Indy 500 + Culver Memorial Day Weekend

David and I drove back from Culver to Knoxville today.  It was a fun Memorial Day Weekend!

Below is a hodgepodge of more photos taken by various people from this past weekend.

After getting to Culver late Friday night after driving for 8 hours following my last exam Friday morning, I had a wonderful baby shower at Jeanne's house and then went with David's sister and my former intern classmate '07, Caroline, to a party for our beloved intern coordinator at Culver, Tom T. Then,  although I did not go to the Indy 500 Race, the rest of my family did, and they took some good photos from Sunday.  We finished off the great weekend with a big family breakfast at Café Max on Monday morning and then made the drive back down to Knoxville. 

Culver Baby Shower at Jeanne's house (photo credit: Courtney G.) 

Caroline, Tom and me at the Culver Interns party (photo credit: Tom T.)

Tyler, friend from Knoxville, and David (photo credit: David)

 (photo credit: David)

 Ryan and girlfriend, Amanda, watching the Indy 500 Race (photo credit: David)

 Tyler and Ryan enjoying the coveted turkey legs at the Indy 500 Race (photo credit: David)

 My brother, Charlie, and my dad found "THE brick" with "David and Samantha Haase 2008," which was a wedding gift from our cousins Kristin and Buck.  We are grateful for Kristin and Buck's gift and owe a "thanks" to Charlie and my dad for finally finding this brick!  It was cool to actually see the brick in the famous brickyard at the track. (photo credit: Charlie)

My dad is pointing out the brick in front of the Indy Motor Speedway Hall of Fame building.  (photo credit: Charlie)

David's dad, Fred, with friend, Steve B., on the left and standing in front of David's mom, Nancy, watching the Indy 500 Race (photo credit: Carly) 

 "Selfie" photo of my brother, Bill, his girlfriend, Carly, and friend, Steve B. above (photo credit: Carly)

Monday breakfast at Café Max (photo credit: David)

Tyler and me at Café Max (photo credit: David)

David and me in front of his parents' house in Culver, after returning from breakfast at Café Max (photo credit: Amanda)

Walking around the backyard of the Haase house (photo credit: Bill)

My mom, me and my dad (photo credit: Bill)

My mom, me and my dad (photo credit: Bill)

My mom, me and my dad (photo credit: Bill)

My mom, me and my dad (photo credit: Bill)

Sunday, May 25, 2014

29 weeks: 17 questions

1) How far along? 29 weeks!  I can't believe I'm almost at 30 WEEKS!  We're almost 75% through until the baby girl comes.  I remember how slowly the first 15 weeks passed by when I was anxious about it all together, and now we're on the homestretch! 
2) Total weight gain? Maybe 142?  I'm supposed to gain up to 1/2 a pound per week now.  
3) Maternity clothes? Not lately.  I wore a larger-sized dress for my baby shower, but now that I'm done with trying to fit in my regular-sized dressy clothes for school, I am eager to wear tee-shirts, athletic shorts and stretchy skirts for the hot Tennessee summer weather.
4) Stretch marksNo marks yet, and hopefully not ever, but the skin on my belly is very taut! 
5) Sleep? I stayed up late to party with our families this weekend, so I'm tired, but it was worth it.  I'm looking forward to some afternoon and weekend naps this summer. 
6) Best moment this week? Again Friday, because this Friday was our official last day of school when we administered the last exam!  Also, David and I traveled up with Hank Dog and our friend, Tyler, to his hometown, Culver, in Indiana to visit both of our families for our annual Memorial Day weekend with a Sunday visit to the Indianapolis 500 Race. While the boys played their first round of golf in the morning on the Mystic Hills Golf Course, the ladies and I headed over to the pretty house of our good friend, Jeanne, where she was so nice to host a baby shower for me with lots of our lady friends from Culver and elsewhere in Indiana to celebrate (Photo credit above to my friend, Courtney).  Thanks to Jeanne for hosting a fun Saturday luncheon party and to our Indiana girlfriends for a great afternoon with lots of catching up and perfect gifts for Baby Girl Haase!  I didn't go to the Indy 500 race this year because my doctor said the extreme heat and loud noise of the cars would not be good for a pregnant woman. So instead I had a relaxing day with some naps and dog-sitting (thanks to our friend, Blair, for helping me with the dogs!), and I even got to catch movement of kicks seen outside my belly with the video camera on my phone while I was in between naps!
7) Miss Anything? I'll tell you what I DON'T miss... teaching as an uncomfortable pregnant woman in her 3rd trimester!  I'm done with school until late October!  Of course, I have to work on 3 month's worth of lesson plans this summer for my substitute during my maternity leave.
8) Movement? YES!  A LOT!  And I don't care that it takes me a little while to fall asleep or that it wakes me up a little earlier in the morning!  It's such a great feeling to get jabs and kicks and know she's very active in there! :)
9) Food cravings? Hamburgers and meat.  Maybe that's why I'm slightly anemic and it's a sign that I need to eat more iron!
10) Anything making you queasy or sick?  Just at night, I seem to get pickier with what I eat.  And I still prefer the watermelon toothpaste. 
11) Gender? Girl! 
12) Labor Signs? No
13) Symptoms? Still weird dreams... For example, the other night, David said that I recited my phone number to someone in a dream!  I have always been a sleep-talker.
14) Belly Button in or out? Out
15) Wedding rings on or off? On
16) Happy or Moody? Happy!  The weather has been wonderful, I had a great doctor's appointment on Tuesday, we saw both of our families for Memorial Day Weekend in northern Indiana, our dear friend, Jeanne, hosted a delightful baby shower on Saturday, I saw some old friends and mentors at a party in Culver, and, finally, David accepted an offer for a full-time job at a country club where he loves the people he works with and where he will be doing what he loves and knows so much about, golf! 
17) Looking forward to what? Believe it or not, I am motivated right now to finish up grading exams and getting my lesson plans ready for the substitute teacher for my maternity leave in the fall already!  Then, I can have fun with organizing the "nursery" in our second guest bedroom and just relaxing for the beginning of the summer before things get crazy in July/August!

Coming back to Culver also made me miss a friend who has been so good to me over these past few years since we met each other in 2008, and I hope that I have been as good of a friend to her.  Her sweet dog, Zola, passed away earlier this week, and his absence has been weighing heavily on my mind, as he was such a great companion to her and even came to my wedding weekend celebration in Culver with her two years ago.  She wasn't able to spend the Memorial Day Weekend as a regular member of our "Indy 500 Group," but I'm glad that she went back home to spend time with family and friends.  I know that Zola gave her some great memories these past five years, and I know that he loved having her as a friend, too.  I gave my own dog, Hank, some extra hugs this week.
Photo credit above: Caroline

 29-week belly pictures:

Here are some photos from our Memorial Day Weekend in Culver, Indiana: 

Below is a picture of the brick on the "brick yard" at the Indianapolis 500 race track.  My brother, Charlie, and my dad found this brick that my cousins Kristin and Buck gave to me and David as a wedding gift.  David and I first met in 2008, which is the year on the brick.  We finally found the brick!

 My dad is pointing to our brick.

The Ritt family is relaxing on the Haase porch.