Sunday, May 18, 2014

28 weeks: 17 questions

1) How far along? 28 weeks and officially in the 3rd trimester!  I can't believe it!

2) Total weight gain? My guess is 1 pound, so 142 total?  I'll get weighed at the doctor's office on Tuesday. 
3) Maternity clothes? No, I haven't worn any lately. I have one week of school to get through in my "dress clothes" before I can wear David's tee-shirts and shorts and my swimsuits. 
4) Stretch marksNo, but I definitely feel "the stretch" at the sides of my belly!
5) Sleep? Not as much as I'd like.  I've been having THE WEIRDEST dreams this past week!  I get up in the middle of the night and catch myself talking out loud!
6) Best moment this week? Friday, our last day of classes!  Now just exams. :)
7) Miss Anything? Sleep and running
8) Movement? Yes, and bigger kicks!  I can see them now from the outside of my belly, which I still think is crazy.  Her kicks wake me up in the morning usually, but I'm okay with it!
9) Food cravings? No, I just can't decided what I DO want to eat.  Nothing tastes good to me besides my chocolate Chex Mix cereal and milk.
10) Anything making you queasy or sick?  Most things now!
11) Gender? Girl!!!
12) Labor Signs? No
13) SymptomsReally weird dreams
14) Belly Button in or out? Out!
15) Wedding rings on or off? On
16) Happy or Moody? Happy but tired and ready to sleep in a little after school finishes
17) Looking forward to what? The end of exams and school for good this year on Friday, and we drive straight up to Indiana that night for our annual Indy 500 family weekend and a baby shower that Nancy's friend, Jeanne, is nice enough to host!

 28-week belly pictures:
These were taken before my high school's graduation ceremony, so I'm a little more dressed up than my usual Sunday tee-shirt and shorts.


  1. Anxious to see both you and David. You look beautiful!

    1. We look forward to seeing you, too, Jeanne! xoxo
