Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Max 1-month doctor's appointment

Max Haase had a good 1-month check-up appointment with his pediatrician today.

He weighed 10 pounds, 3 ounces.  The doctor said that his weight gain was excellent.   I should continue to breastfeed and that Max was in the 50% percentile for weight.  He measured 22 inches for height/length again and was in the 75% for this measurement.

The doctor was concerned about the jaundice (yellow color) in Max's face, so he sent me to the hospital to get a blood sample for any potential liver problems with Max.  I thought the dark/yellow color was simply from the Italian genes from Max's dad and Papa Fred, but the pediatrician want dot check it out anyway.

The nurse called me later in the afternoon, and she told me that Max was just fine, so we could continue taking care of him as we had been.

Since I am exclusively breastfeeding Max, the pediatrician recommended that I get some Vitamin D drops from the pharmacy (non-prescription) for Max.  (If I were supplementing Max with formula, like I had to with Reagan as a newborn because I was not producing enough milk with her, then Max would already be getting the Vitamin D from the formula, but he is not, thus I need to get the Vitamin D drops for him.)

Although it was a long day in the pediatrician's office and the hospital, we received healthy reports for Max in his 1-month check-up!  It amazes me still that a little person of his size can gain 2 pounds in 1 month!  We are so thankful that Max is a healthy baby and that he is growing well!


  1. Katharine HATED the d-vi-sol. It's a lot of sugar and really gross tasting. Get Carlson Vitamin D drops or even just straight Vitamin D drops. It's just a drop you can put on your nipple once a day. No dropper, SO SO easy!
