Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Max 3 weeks old (March 21, 2016)

Max was 3 weeks old yesterday. 

He is eating and sleeping well, thus growing well.  We are eager to learn his weight at his 1-month check-up appointment because we're certain that he has gained significant weight.  He will see the pediatrician on Tues. March 29th.  

He has been wearing Size 1 diapers since he was 1 week old, so he quickly grew out of the newborn size diapers. 

We forget how many dirty diapers that newborn babies go through!  Max probably has 16-18 dirty diapers a day, whereas Reagan, now as a 20-month toddler, goes through 6-7 diapers per day. 

In fact, because Max has had so many poopy diapers, we have been using the Boudreaux's Butt Paste more often than I thought we would, or than I remembered that we had used it with Reagan as a newborn anyway.  The butt paste helps to soothe his bum because he is getting wiped and changed so often every day.  I bought one tube of butt paste, but needed to return to the store and buy a second tube because we use this magic stuff so much. 

Max sleeps in 1-3 hour periods, day and night.  

We give him a sponge bath in the plastic infant bath near the kitchen sink every other day.  

I have noticed that there are days when Max has dry skin on his ankles, legs and arms, so I've been putting on the moisturizing ointment called Aquaphor almost every day.  It has been helping a lot. 

 Max is a happy and healthy baby.  He still has a head full of dark hair, and we think that he has David's cute "ski slope" nose. 

Below, Max just woke up and got changed into a new diaper and clothes, so he was moving his limbs all over in the picture, anxious to eat!

Below is a picture after he ate and was ready for a nap again.  

Reagan is helping out a lot with Max now and will say, "Hi Max!" (but it sounds more like "HI MAH" because she can't pronounce the X) when she sees him.  She has warmed up to begin a big sister.  She will bring me his diaper or his blanket when I'm taking care of him.  But, Reagan certainly knows which blankets belong to her, so when I accidentally grab her blanket to wrap Max, she lets me know right away and yells "Mine!"  Other than that, she's very sweet with him!

 I love Max's little baby fingers in the picture below!  His finger nails are growing quickly, so we have to file them often!  He even scratched his nose already this week from his own finger nail. 

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