Saturday, March 5, 2016

Max's weight check-up appointment

Max went to the pediatrician's office today.  The nurse checked his weight to make sure that he had gained a few ounces since he first saw the pediatrician three days ago on Wed. March 2nd.

 Max weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces on Wednesday and weighed the same today when the nurse put him on the scale.  While it was good that he didn't lose any weight, the pediatrician still wanted to him to have gained some weight by now.

 Other than the weight, Max's heart rate, lungs, skin color (no jaundice), ears and eyes are looked good.  I was very surprised that Max had not gained weight because he is eating more boob milk more often than Reagan did.

 It's a little embarrassing how he eats because you can hear him slurping loudly when I feed him.  I have even needed to use the breast pump twice already because he has been eating so much and my body thinks it needs to produce more milk because the supply is not meeting the demand!

 The pediatrician wasn't concerned yet but wants us to return in a few days on Tues. March 8th to see if Max gains weight.  The pediatrician says that Max needs to measure at least 7 pounds, 14.5 ounces (0.5 ounce gain per day) for him to feel comfortable about Max's progress, but closer to 8 pounds wold be ideal.

In the meantime, Max's big sister, Reagan, is keeping me on my toes while I chase her with Max in my arms and while Hank is also looking for attention these days at our house!

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