Monday, March 28, 2016

Max 4 weeks old (March 28, 2016)

Max is 4 weeks old today.  We love our "cool as a cucumber," happy and healthy baby!

He still takes 2-3 hour naps.  He eats A LOT... at least every 2 hours of the day.

He is growing faster than I thought possible.  The evidence is in the incredible amount of Level 1 diapers that he goes through each day.  I think that half of our weekly trash bin is composed of the dirty diapers.

We go to the pediatrician's office tomorrow for Max's 1-month check-up appointment.

I return back to teaching full time in one week... It was a short maternity leave this time with Max.

May these last seven weeks before summer break pass quickly, and may I keep my sanity between working with high schoolers and taking care of two babies while working on little sleep and energy!  David and I are thankful for the help from our families during this busy spring!

1 comment:

  1. Max is sooooo precious!
    Wish I were closer to babysit!
    Love to all .. xoxo .. CUS
