Monday, March 28, 2016

Reagan 20 months (March 28, 2016)

Reagan is 20 months old today!  Max also is 4 weeks today!

Reagan is maturing quickly.  She's becoming our little "parrot," as she will repeat what we say almost all the time.  Reagan melts her mom's heart when she says, "Hi Momma!" as she wakes up in the morning and sees me approach her crib.

She points to what she wants, shakes her head for "yes" and "no," and even says, "Yeah!" in response to our questions.

Reagan knows several body parts in English and French, and I'm still working with her on more French vocabulary while I'm the only one she'll hear it from.

She is becoming very independent and able to express herself a lot more in these last few months.

Reagan is quickly growing out of her Size 4 diapers and even feels heavier as we carry her around (when she's not running off her energy!) and pick her up from and drop her into her crib.  Speaking of crib, we're thinking about moving her into a "big bed" come summer time, as that will be when her little brother, Max, will need to move into her current crib.

Our highlight of the day is picking her up from Day Care in the afternoon and watching her run to us with excitement as she sees one, or sometimes both, of her parents pick her up from the toddler room!

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