Monday, March 7, 2016

Max 1-week old (March 7, 2016)

Max Christian Haase

1-week old (March 7, 2016)

-- Max is sleeping 1-3 hours throughout the day and night... Mom has been spoiled with Reagan's 10-hour sleep schedule at night, so it's a difficult adjustment

-- The skin from his circumcision is healing well.

-- He is eating well and often the breast milk.  We were shocked he didn't gain any weight at the last doctor's appointment because he seems to eat more and in longer periods throughout the day than Reagan did.  He makes embarrassingly loud slurping sounds when he eats, but we're thankful that he's a good eater!

-- Max pees and poops a lot.  He has been leaking his diaper, so we need to tighten up this smallest size of newborn diapers when we put them on him until he gains some more weight.

--We've caught a few "accidental smiles," but not the reactionary smiles that we'll see more often in a few months.

-- He has a good head full of dark hair and long eyelashes, but we think his eyelashes are lighter than Reagan's eyelashes.  His eyes also look like they are a grey color, at least right now.

-- His nose is one feature that we noticed that looks different than Reagan's nose.  It looks like it points up a little bit more than Reagan's and I think it's cute!  His eyebrows also look lighter than Reagan's.

-- Max's fingernails are long, so we're only allowed to file them right now because the nurse said that the ends of the nails are still connected to the skin and they will bleed if we clip them.

-- His umbilical cord stump is drying out more and more each day.  We're eager for the stump to dry out completely and fall off in the next week, so we can see his belly button!

-- Mom is feeling better.  I did not need to return to the hospital this time like I did with Reagan a few days after her birth because my epidural went well with Max's birth, but I have had severely bad cramps from all the blood that is still leaving my body so I've got some strong painkillers that I'm still taking until my body recovers.  I forget how much a woman's body goes through  during the 9 months and then during the actual birthday of the baby!  See the last picture below and my belly and uterus are slowly shrinking each day.  The skin was so stretched out and my belly feels swollen from the pressure that Max's body and the uterus were exerting from within me.

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