Monday, March 14, 2016

Max 2 weeks old (March 14, 2016)

Max is 2 weeks old today!

While he still sleeps for a few hours at a time, day and night, we are seeing more and more of his open eyes with each new day!

Reagan was a great big sister last weekend and helped out Mom a lot while we took care of Max.

I am breast-feeding, and Max is eating really well, both often and a lot.  That also means that Max does a good job of burping, farting, peeing and pooping.  He keeps us busy!

A highlight from yesterday was that Max's umbilical cord stub finally dried up completely and fell off from his belly button area.

I think that Max is going to grow fast in these next few weeks before I return back to work.  His next doctor's appointment will be his 1-month appointment at the end of March.

Speaking of growing fast, Reagan is growing like a weed!  Now when I change her diapers and occasionally carry her to her crib (when David doesn't), I can feel how much Reagan has grown!  Hopefully we're breeding some strong athletes in the family!

My belly is slowly shrinking down to its normal size.  Actually, it's shrinking faster than I thought it would, because my belly was so stretched out with Max inside.

I still think that  it is so amazing how a woman's body can carry a baby of that size and then how fairly quickly the skin, the organs and everything else can adjust and return back to their normal positions.  I go back for my own 6-week check-up doctor's appointment in April.

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