Monday, June 30, 2014

35 weeks: 17 questions

1) How far along? 35 weeks...8 3/4 months pregnant...full term in 14 days!  When I visited my family home in Wisconsin last weekend, my dad said, "You only have 4 more free Saturday nights left!"  
2) Total weight gain? 17 pounds so far
3) Maternity clothes? Nothing new. Same few maternity dresses + David's clothes
4) Stretch marks No 
5) Sleep? Yes, but the baby kicks wake me up at 4-5 AM every day...which is only one of a few things that I'm happy to wake up that early for!
6) Best moment this week? David drove me up to Cincinnati where we had a nice lunch with Grandma Trudy and his mom, Nancy.  Then after he drove back down to Tennessee for work the next day, Nancy drove me up to her house in Indiana where we stayed the night until the next day when my wonderful in-laws, Fred and Nancy, drove up with me to Wisconsin for a fun weekend with my family.  My female relatives hosted an intimate baby shower on Saturday, and I have pictures to post tomorrow...
Lunch at Panera
Grandmas Susan and Nancy find some baby clothes after lunch
Soon-to-be Uncle Bill
Soon-to-be Uncle Chuck
My mom and me
 My parents and me
 Close-up of the baby's maternal grandparents and me
Bill and Carly playings "bags"
 And their opponents, P.J. and Chuck
 Family on the patio
 Uncle Peter grilling the meat for dinner
 My parents, Chuck and my in-laws out to dinner at the Range Line Inn restaurant in Mequon Saturday night
 Some sneak peek photos of the baby shower from Saturday... above is the adorable and delicious cake from the shower. (thanks to Aunt Marsha for these particular photos)

7) Miss Anything?  No, I'm just running around this week, checking off things from the to-do list before it's "go time"!
8) Movement? Yes!  Mostly in the early morning and late at night
9) Food cravings? Fruit and Sprite Zero soda (which I occasionally mix up for Bud Light in our fridge and pull out the wrong can...)
10) Anything making you queasy or sick? Mint-flavored things
11) Gender? Girl (We received some more adorable baby girl clothes last weekend. She will be well-dressed for every season!)
12) Labor Signs? No
13) Symptoms? Exhaustion... AND, I'm getting blonde/orange highlights in my hair from the sun.  My eyebrows have turned an orange tint, too.  I'm not highlighting my hair or putting any lemon juice in it, and I've never seen this orange-auburn color in my hair, so it must be the hormones!
14) Belly Button in or out? Out!
15) Wedding rings on or off? Still on
16) Happy or Moody?  Happy, even if tired! 
17) Looking forward to what? My mom is in Knoxville this week to help me and David organize our guest room/nursery and to join us for the co-ed baby shower/pool party that our good friends, Walt and Mary Margaret, are hosting for us on Saturday!

 35-week belly pictures:
These pictures are actually from last Saturday (34 weeks, 5 days) after the baby shower, since my mom and I were driving all day Monday from Wisconsin to Tennessee. 

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