Thursday, June 5, 2014

New Due Date: AUG. 4

It's official!  While my doctor and nurses have been telling me all along that I would probably deliver early, they never really gave me an official "moved up" date until now.

I had to fill out insurance forms to request a hospital where my doctor's partner works (since she is allergic to latex gloves and her associates will be ready to deliver the baby come August) so that we would receive in-network benefits.... And, my nurse filled out the new expected delivery date, 8/4/14, on the form for me, according to my records from my recent doctor's visits.

I changed the countdown ticker up top accordingly!

I'm excited for an earlier due date, AND it's on the exact day of our 2nd wedding anniversary!  Just wait... all this "coming early" talk will probably be jinxed, and I'll end up with a baby that comes two weeks late!

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