Friday, July 25, 2014

Belly Progression, Photos Week by Week

The original countdown to birth was 10 days, but it's now officially 2 days because of my doctor's wishes for an early induction with a high-risk pregnancy.  I will be induced on Sunday night  at Midnight when I turn 39 weeks, unless labor starts before then. My belly feels like it's being stretched to the max, but I'm not having terribly painful contractions, so I'm going to take advantage of this weekend to finish up things and relax before Sunday night.  We are excited!!!  At the same time, I'm getting mentally prepared to survive on little sleep and lots of crying and diapers!

Below are the weekly pictures of the growing belly and baby since the 10-week mark in mid-January 2014.  I was a little unsure of how my pregnancy was going at the beginning, so I only took an initial picture at 10 weeks, skipped a few weeks, and then became consistent again with the "selfies."  The word "selfie" has got to be a word from 2014 showing a change of the times with our technology and cell phones when we look back on this year in January 2015!

10 WEEKS: 

13 WEEKS: 

14 WEEKS: 

15 WEEKS: 

16 WEEKS: 

17 WEEKS: 

18 WEEKS: 

19 WEEKS: 

20 WEEKS: 

21 WEEKS: 

22 WEEKS: 

23 WEEKS: 

24 WEEKS: 

25 WEEKS: 

26 WEEKS: 

27 WEEKS: 

28 WEEKS: 

29 WEEKS: 

30/31 WEEKS (since my due date was moved earlier): 

32 WEEKS: 

33 WEEKS: 


35 WEEKS: 

36 WEEKS: 

37 WEEKS: 

38 WEEKS: 


  1. So exciting, Sam! I remember the night before being induced was so surreal. Enjoy it! Can't wait to see pictures. :) Big hugs for a safe delivery for Mom and baby.

  2. Thinking of you and wishing you smooth sailing!

  3. Thank you for letting me be a part of your journey over the last 9 months! I have read every blog and feel like we were right there with you with every step! Congrats you two and best of luck! Can't wait to see the end product! Thanks again...i have really enjoyed the pictures and the stories!
