Saturday, September 20, 2014

YouTube time with Daddy

I don't know if you can watch the video posted above, but I recorded it last night when I came back from a late-night run to see David and Reagan hanging out on the bed and watching YouTube videos of excited labrador puppies and Formula One racing!  She was extremely fascinated and engaged!

The best thing was that she slept through most of the night after this!  I am definitely going to use this technique to keep Reagan entertained when I need to do some work on my laptop in bed.  At almost 8 weeks old, Reagan can probably absorb more mentally than I give her credit for.  She's going to know more about sports stats and Formula One racing from this TV and YouTube exposure than her mother!  Don't worry... she's not watching TV all of the time.  Her mommy is reading short stories in French to her when we have those 3 AM dates!

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