Monday, April 7, 2014

22 weeks: 17 questions

1) How far along? 22 weeks 
2) Total weight gain?  I weighed myself at the Fairways & Greens golf center, where David works, and I'm officially 137.5 pounds.
3) Maternity clothes? No new maternity clothes, but I still wear those two pairs of maternity pants from Old Navy to school.  Instead of buying any "maternity shirts" that they probably charge extra for in the store, I'm just going to wear my biggest shirts from my closet.  I only have 7 weeks of school, right? After that, I already told David that I'm going to start wearing his tee-shirts and basketball shorts in the summer. 
4) Stretch marksNo
5) Sleep? Still tired, but getting enough sleep to make it through a school day.  I know that in August I will think back to how much of a whiner I was this past spring about getting sleep before baby!
6) Best moment this week? I had fun seeing my students all dressed up at Prom on Saturday evening, after a productive and fun day with
Amy B. when we grabbed a Chick-fil-A lunch and went registry shopping with Baby Jude!
7) Miss Anything? Running, but I started biking again last week to switch up my walking routine. 
8) Movement? I think yes!  I still don't know if what I had been feeling around last Wednesday were little baby kicks or not, but these were tiny movements that I would best describe as bubbles being popped in my lower abdomen area.  It did not happen often, but when they did, it was long after I had a meal or drink so it was not gas, and it was not my pulse that has a steady beat when I try to feel against my stomach, because there were random "pops" with no rhyme or reason.  I'm hoping that they were really "kicks" and only get stronger.  I can't wait to see the kicks push against my skin so others can see!
9) Food cravings? Instead of watermelon, I bought some grapefruit on sale at Kroger's, and I have eaten 4 already since Thursday!
10) Anything making you queasy or sick?  The mint toothpaste still makes me nauseous, so I've been using my Aunt Marg's watermelon-flavored toothpaste a lot!
11) Gender? Still a girl :)
12) Labor Signs? No
13) Symptoms? Nothing crazy, just tired
14) Belly Button in or out? I still think it's in...
15) Wedding rings on or off? On, but I'm getting nervous about keeping them on any longer just in case my fingers swell more, and I can't get them off later!
16) Happy or Moody?  Happy for April and spring! And for heading down the homestretch with 4th quarter classes!
17) Looking forward to what?  My doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon!  I thought that I only had one scheduled for next Tuesday, April 15th, but apparently that appointment is simply a check-up and tomorrow is an ultrasound appointment, which means that I get to take home some PICTURES!  I got a voicemail on my phone last Friday as a reminder about this "new" appointment that I have for tomorrow, and when I called the nurse today, she confirmed that, yes, I have two appointments in the next two weeks, with the ultrasound tomorrow.  I'll try to take a video, too, if we do a 3D viewing of the little girl, so I can post that. 

 22-week belly pictures

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