Sunday, April 13, 2014

23 weeks: 17 questions

1) How far along? 23 weeks 
2) Total weight gain? Maybe 1 pound? 138 lbs?  I need to get a scale.
3) Maternity clothes? No, but I'm wearing my cotton skirts and leggings every day until I really need to buy anything new!
4) Stretch marksNo. I'm hoping the three oils and lotions that I'm using prevent any!
5) Sleep? I'm still exhausted on the weekend as I recover from the school week.  I went to bed at 9:30 last night...Saturday night!
6) Best moment this week? Today we went to our friends' pool for the first pool day of the spring.  It was 85 degrees, and Hank swam laps to get in his exercise!  It's the funniest thing... He will not fetch a ball on land, but he'll swim after a ball in the water for hours!
7) Miss Anything?  Going on a nice run in this pleasant weather.  I'm still walking a lot with Hank in the park where we're safe from traffic if I have to let him go loose. 
8) Movement? I think so!  I don't feel super strong kicks that can be felt from the outside, but I feel something! 
9) Food cravings? This week, I've been drinking a lot of Sprite Zero. 
10) Anything making you queasy or sick?  No, but nothing sounds too appetizing either. 
11) Gender? GIRL
12) Labor Signs? No
13) Symptoms? Exhaustion! 
14) Belly Button in or out? In
15) Wedding rings on or off? On
16) Happy or Moody?  Happy!  The spring weather is finally here, and we're only 6 weeks away from the end of classes. 
17) Looking forward to what?  Next weekend is both Easter weekend and my 29th birthday! David and I decided to take our "baby moon" trip out to Connecticut to visit his old fraternity brother from Washington & Lee and his wife, and also to visit my cousin, her husband, 2-year old and newborn.  We are excited!

 23-week belly pictures (David is laughing at all of my "selfies" as I post this in bed right now after the Mad Men episode ended...)

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