Saturday, April 5, 2014

Registry running around

It had been a stressful week, and I was feeling really exhausted from long days at school and after-school tutoring, so I had just planned on resting all day Saturday, before I had to work again as a chaperone for our high school prom late Saturday evening.

I ended up taking a nap as soon as I came home from school Friday afternoon, and then I slept in Saturday with plans only to take out Hank for a short walk but rest most of the day.  However, I had kept on putting off completing my baby registries because I was trying to get through lesson plans and student comments for the week.  I know it can be a fun thing, but unlike my wedding registry, David couldn't really help with this one, and I felt clueless myself, because we didn't even know what we needed, let alone wanted!

At the last minute, my friend, Amy B., asked Saturday if I needed help to go register items.  As tired as I was and despite my simple plans to stay in bed Saturday, I needed to take care of business and get things put on the registries.  I was only going to spend hours on my computer trying to pretend like I knew what I needed later in the week, so I knew this was an opportunity that I needed to take if Amy was willing to chaperone a clueless new mom like me around a baby store!

I gladly accepted her offer and pulled myself out of bed late Saturday morning to get her help and explore the ins and out of the fantastic "buy buy Baby" store in Knoxville.  She also brought her little 9-month old boy, Jude, and he permitted me to drive the shopping cart through the little girls' clothing section.  I hope I didn't embarrass him!

Amy B's baby, Jude

Jude is a little confused why he's in the girls' section!

We got a scanning gun and scanned away at products in each aisle!  Honestly, it was a fun and productive trip, and thanks to Amy, I did not enter the store, walk through the first aisle, cry about how overwhelming it was, and then run out of the store without accomplishing anything.  Afterwards, I felt like it was still a relaxing Saturday as I had hoped, and I rested a little before hanging out with high school kids at night.

Amy and Jude help to shop.

Although it was a stressful week, it was nice to check this off the list and get excited about all the new baby equipment that we'll be learning how to use...because, man, there was some stuff out there that I didn't even know what they were or why we needed them!  I'll probably use the rest of my weekend to find my place back in bed before Monday morning rolls around.

Amy, Jude and me

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