Tuesday, April 29, 2014


The weather was crazy last night in Knoxville as we had multiple thunderstorm and tornado watches and warnings!  When we ultimately had a tornado WARNING issued for our county at 10:30 PM, I was nervous because we live on the 3rd floor of an apartment and really didn't know if it was better to stay in our place, or to drive out to someone's house if a tornado really did touch down by us.  

Fortunately, we were fine and only lost a few hours of sleep by staying up until the early morning hours, waiting for the tornado warnings to expire.  I read in the news today that some Alabama cities had been hit hard. 

While David and I were watching all of the weather reports on the TV (since that was the only thing they showed on every channel), I was on the couch and felt some strong baby kicks!  I thought....maybe.... finally.... David would be able to feel the kicks from the outside....  I had him feel the side of my belly, and VOILA, he said "Yep!" that he felt a strong punch or two!!!  Big milestone at 25 weeks!

I've been feeling big lately, even if I don't look like I have a basketball under my shirt yet.  Every time that I step in the shower, I am still in disbelief about how hard it has become to shave my legs, much to David's dismay.  I'll try to keep it up, but I'm not keeping any promises come July.

Tuesday selfies!!!

25 weeks, 2 days

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