Sunday, April 27, 2014

25 weeks: 17 questions

1) How far along? 25 weeks 
2) Total weight gain? 139 pounds?  I don't have a scale. I hate this question.
3) Maternity clothes? Nothing new except for my three pairs of pants from March.  I'm trying to hold off buying anything until I can slip into a tee-shirt, tank tops and shorts for the summer!

4) Stretch marksNo :)
5) Sleep? Yes, and more on the weekends!
6) Best moment this week? Well, anytime after this last Tuesday morning when I woke up and vomited three times before 9:00 AM!  I think I just had a really bad stomach flu.  It was the sickest that I had ever been in my life.  I reluctantly used up one of my sick days that I was trying to save up toward my maternity leave in the fall, but I really needed to take it last week.  I felt 100x better on Wednesday.  David brought back some take-out Chinese that I was craving on Friday for a nice little dinner and we watched one of his favorite movies, "Orange County." On Saturday, I went to an "open skate" benefit for one of our students with cancer.  Hockey is not as big as other sports here in Knoxville, so it was nice to see others who enjoy skating and hockey at the rink that day, and this particular

student is as passionate about hockey as I am! However, I was too nervous to skate in case I fell on my belly when weaving in and out of the kids, so I just watched. Finally, on Sunday, some girlfriends asked me to get a pedicure at our favorite cheap place down the street, and
then we took Hank with us to our friends' pool to enjoy the 85 degree weather.  Hank will not fetch more than one ball on land, but he'll fetch toys in the pool for hours and hours!

7) Miss Anything? Running...I get a little jealous every time I see a person running on the street when I drive by. 
8) Movement? Yes, I'm feeling it when I get a chance to be still during the work day.  I thought they were getting big enough for David to feel, but not yet.  I read that if you shine a flashlight on my belly, the baby will start to move, so we tried it, but it didn't work for us.
9) Food cravings? Nothing in particular except for the Chinese on Friday

10) Anything making you queasy or sick?  EVERYTHING on Tuesday, but my stomach was able to take in food after Wednesday
11) Gender? GIRL
12) Labor Signs? No!
13) SymptomsExhaustion and my belly is starting to feel tighter on the sides as if it's's getting slightly more uncomfortable to walk around
14) Belly Button in or out?  Ok, I'll finally admit with confidence that I have an "outie."  My friend, Amy, confirmed it today when I was in my bikini at the pool.
15) Wedding rings on or off? On
16) Happy or Moody?  On and off...who isn't?!  
17) Looking forward to what? My next doctor's appointment is in a week on Tuesday, May 6th, and then some nice colleagues at school are hosting a baby shower for me that Thursday! 

 25-week belly pictures 

No "selfies" this week as David begged to be my photographer, so I let him do it just once more.

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